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Catalogue number:
500 µg
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NMB-1 (Noxious mechanosensation blocker 1) is an analogue of a peptide isolated from a marine conesnail. This 19 amino acid peptide has shown a 30 fold selectivity in inhibiting slowly adapting mechanically activated currents over rapidly adapting ones. It is an interesting tool to distinguish between RA and SA currents. NMB-1 significantly blocks SA currents at 1 µM in sensory neurons contrary to GsMTx4. Some results suggest that NMB-1 could also block mechanosensitive ion channels in cochlear hair cells at 5 µM.

  • Applications:TARGET CLASS: Mechanosensitive channels; ACTION: Blocker
Product Type:

Peptides & proteins

Limit of Detection:

2467.03 Da

Storage Temperature:


Additional Information:

AA SEQUENCE: Phe-Asn-Trp-Arg-Cys-Cys-Leu-Ile-Pro-Cys-Arg-Arg-Asn-His-Lys-Lys-Phe-Phe-Cys-NH2; DISULFIDE BONDS: Cys5-Cys19 and Cys6-Cys10; SOURCE: Synthetic; PURITY: > 95%