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Catalogue number:
2.5 g
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Product sheet: SBCleaner – Potent enzymatic detergent SBCleaner is a potent enzymatic detergent used for cleaning labware and equipment contaminated with proteins and fats by scrubbing, soaking or ultrasonic cleaner. SBCleaner contain enzymes which help to remove proteins. Enzymes are well suited for cleaning chemistries thanks to their ability to speed up reactions and their ability to cut off biological substrate like a pair of scissors. SBCleaner is a concentrated powdered enzymatic detergent which is free-rinsing, prevents corrosion and can be disposed easily. SBCleaner is safe on most surfaces including glass, plastic and most metals. However, SBCleaner is not recommended for use with machine because the solution will foam. Applications: - Labware - Instruments - Endoscopes - Medical devices - Process equipment - Food and dairy surfaces - Ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis filters Instructions: Add 250mL of water to have a concentration at 1% (m/v). For critical applications use deionized or distilled water. Rinse thoroughly after use.

Product Type:

Peptides & proteins